The current situation of legal applicability for wind power production
Environment, Renewable Energy, Environmental Impact Report, legislationAbstract
The perception of the importance of the environment conservation has stimulated studies about alternative and renewables energies. In world, wind power is a clean energy source with the largest growth potential for the production of electricity. In world scenario, the growing demand for energy makes new sustainable energy sources
are analyzed with greater interest. The aim of this study was to analyze the ability of wind power have presented with its potential energy, impacting substantially lower than other renewab le and non-renewable. The results indicated that wind power is independent of fossil fuels and contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions. All this was detailed from the perspective of Brazilian legislation that defines only the requirements for installation of the energy’s industry, including wind farms, being necessary to create a permanent legislation, with defined rules and subsidies so that companies can interact and engage with studies, technical assistance and investment.
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