Philosophy as a support in the training of educators


  • Suelene Leal Amaral



Philosophy, Education, Emancipation, Pedagogy


The research was developed in this article, presenting the problamatic of the necessity to graduate the conscious teacher in therms of  the philosophical formation to the teaching capable to overcome the pragmatism, presents in the classroom, influenced through practices away from the knowledge. In this article will be board subjects about the pedagogical formation process, specially about the intelectual emancipation that the philosophy subject offers to this kind of educational professional. The main objectives are to promote to the teachers reflexive possibilities about a variety problems that  there are in this job, and also about how to instigate them to overcome the methodologies, contexts and all the existent alienative procedures in the educational universe, since the critical and reflexive development of the the teacher is importat to the education, based on citizen formation. To the theory, some of these authors was based:  Chauí (2004), Cotrim (2006), Ghiraldelli (2006); (2007), Gallo (2007), Luckesi (1995), Saviani (1980) and (1989).


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