What does the post-pandemic reserve us? the palliative society of Byung-Chul Han


  • Crisalex Rodrigues Pereira




Pandemic, Society, World, Tiredness, Isolation


This work deals with the personal and social consequences in relation to the pandemic that has ravaged the world since 2019 for at least two years, therefore, as it examines how the philosopher Byung-Chul Han conceives the relationship between pandemic and society, with emphasis in the post-pandemic world. The work is divided into four parts. Initially, from the analysis of the famous work of the author A Sociedade do Cansaço - the notion of how individuals live and see themselves in the current world will be presented, as well as their conceptions of discourse and reality in the face of the problem of failure in capitalism. In this article, in addition to the social fatigue already dealt with in Han's work, the actions and tools used to contain the virus that may be perpetuated even after the end of its dissemination will be addressed. The effects of isolation will also be discussed in view of the accentuation of digital connections. And the proportions that human narcissism took during this peculiar moment experienced by humanity. In addition, the cause-and-consequence relationship between the way people live today and the imminent start of a pandemic will also be analyzed, focusing on the capitalist system and the possible solutions or even consequences that the pandemic already shows and that it will possibly transform in society. Thus, we will reach the conclusion about the consequences of the palliative way in which the neoliberal world has treated the pandemic and especially the pain of those who have been through it.


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