Escrita Feminina e autorepresentação em Jane Eyre, de Charlotte


  • Carmelinda Carla Carvalho e Silva



Self-representation, Female writing, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë


This work addresses a work by Jane Eyre, by the writer Charlotte Brontë, seeking to demonstrate how the writer includes her narrative themes from the Victorian era loaded with social criticisms involving the condition of women. The narrative is focused on the female audience, with characters who strongly use freedom. In the work, in suffering, in anguish and in other silenced feelings of women are brought up. The objective article brings an analysis of the novel, focusing on the innovative character of Brontë's writing, which self- representative way gives female characters bold and strong personalities, in addition to criticizing the role of women in the society of the period in which the work was selected.


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Artigos Transdisciplinares (Fluxo Contínuo)