Nanoindentação em concretos: uso da técnica para análise da zona de transição

Nanoindentation in concrete: use of the technique for interfacial zone transition analysis


  • Eduardo da Cruz Teixeira IFPB
  • Normando Barbosa Perazzo UFPB
  • Camila Macêdo Medeiros IFPB
  • João Adriano Rossignolo USP
  • Thássia Isis Barbosa Ferreira IFPB



concreto, nanoindentação, zona de transição


Within the context of technological advances in concretes, nanotechnology has been a prominent element in recent research, it has progressively changed the science and engineering of materials, especially in terms of understanding its properties through nanoscience techniques. The nanoindentation technique, capable of obtaining hardness values and elasticity modulus on a nanometric scale of different phases, using significantly small loads, is a viable alternative for specific studies in the concrete interfacial zone transition. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the properties of the interfacial zone transition of concretes using the technique of nanoindentation. The following independent variables were adopted: different cement consumptions and the mixing ratio of the other concrete constituents (mixtures); and healing time (days). The following response variables were adopted: resistance to axial compression; interfacial zone transition thickness; hardness and elasticity modulus. Four horizontal profiles were used in each sample, with a total length of 120 µm and spaced vertically by 20 µm, that is, 9 points horizontally spaced by 15 µm and 4 vertically spaced by 20 µm, totaling 36 indentations per sample. The nanoindentation technique allowed to verify the formation of the IZT and its respective thicknesses, proving to be a viable technique for this type of analysis.


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How to Cite

DA CRUZ TEIXEIRA, E.; BARBOSA PERAZZO, N.; MACÊDO MEDEIROS, C. .; ADRIANO ROSSIGNOLO, J.; ISIS BARBOSA FERREIRA, T. Nanoindentação em concretos: uso da técnica para análise da zona de transição: Nanoindentation in concrete: use of the technique for interfacial zone transition analysis. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 382–397, 2023. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v11i2.613. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 oct. 2024.