Lyophilization: prospects for a new market in the region of the Vale do São Francisco
Dehydration, Agribusiness, FruitAbstract
Dehydration can be used to increase the time consumption of fruits, and also to expand its aggregate value. This procedure it's slowly coming to the knowledge of the farmers from Vale do São Francisco. With the progress of technologies, came the process of separation of fruit's water utilizing low temperature and vacuum, called lyophilization (Freeze-dried fruits).The region of Vale do São Francisco has its important characteristics by your huge production of fruits, still with a big loss of it's production during your processing and circulation. Trying to reduce the loss and increase the aggregate value, the lyophilization would be a good way to reach new horizons on the market. To evaluate the perspectives of a new market on the region, were made visits in three farms that are specialized on the production of grapes and passion fruits, were also made questionnaires and evaluated how does the internal and external market is characterized. As it relates to the commercial value, comparatives were made between freeze-dried fruit and those in natura. The results indicate that the lyophilized products (freeze-dried fruits) are promising for the Vale do São Francisco.
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