Ecstatic States and Visionary Art: from Metaphysical Realms to Aesthetic Creation


  • Jan Clefferson Costa de Freitas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Palabras clave:

Visionary Art, Philosophical Aesthetics, Experimental Phenomenology, Transcendental Metaphysics, Psychedelic Philosophy


The primary aim of this article is to establish a connection between expanded states of perception and aesthetic activity through a philosophical analysis of Aldous Huxley's psychedelic writings compiled in the work Moksha, alongside the ideas presented by Laurence Caruana in the Manifesto of Visionary Art. The specific objectives of this study are as follows: a) To present the psychedelic experience — whether spontaneous, induced, pharmacological, or natural — as a generative principle of the creative movement among visionary artists; b) To demonstrate the principal methods that, as anticipated by thinkers Huxley and Caruana, facilitate immersion in transcendental realities; c) To discuss the constituent elements of the visionary universe, such as light, transfigurations, figures from the imaginary, folklore, and world religions, as sources of artistic creativity; d) To describe how, through an aesthetic examination of the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch, William Blake, and Gustav Moreau, the transfiguration of suprasensible horizons into sensible forms is realized. The methodologies applied in developing this framework include creative writing, close reading, and phenomenological experimentation, followed by a review of specialized literature produced over the past sixty five years, from 1959 to 2024. In conclusion, the author intends to highlight the extent to which extraordinary activities of consciousness — whether ecstatic, oneiric, hypnagogic, or exceptional — are indispensable phenomena for the creation of visionary art throughout history, with particular emphasis on the contemporary period.


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