Trilogia epifânica:

caminhos do conto em Clarice Lispector


  • Thalita Rose Tamiarana Gadelha Taveira



language, silence, introspection, female behavior


The short stories “Amor”, “Imitação da Rosa” and “Os Obedientes”, by Clarice Lispector, can be seen from a perspective that addresses issues related to female behavior from a daily perspective. In this apparent naturalness of being and saying, the characters face each other and experience subtle and intricate issues such as identity, existence and freedom, thus crossing themselves, when they stumble across perplexities, like a continent to explore, or in a resumption of ordinary and methodical life, whether in the inevitable surrender to madness, or in the abrupt exit from suicide. All of them immersed and, to some extent, lost in the dangerous and provocative routine of marriage. This research aims to present the reading of these stories through a theoretical view that seeks to understand the language and imagination of the world, particularly the female universe. Language and subjectivity are axes that characterize Claricean fiction, which takes a different stance in relation to modernist authors.


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