Can Protagonic Participation in School Concretize the Habitus of Active Citizenship?
Child-adolescent rights, Protagonism, Student participation, Habitus of citizenshipAbstract
For almost all of history, children and adolescents have been silenced and the exercise of citizenship has been omitted from them, however, a change in this scenario has been observed from struggles and protests by movements in defense of children's rights, both internationally and in Brazil. . Thus, in view of the affirmation of the citizenship of these subjects and the consolidation of policies that ensured their exercise from the 1990s onwards, this article focuses on the right to protagonism and participation of children and adolescents, in order to answer whether the school enables a habitus for citizenship and aims to: understand, through life history, how the habitus for citizenship of subjects who were child and adolescent protagonists at school or non-school education institutions was configured. We rely on a methodology of a qualitative nature, using Life History as a method, conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with three subjects. Finally, we conclude that not only the school, but other socializing institutions, when they are not based on adultocratic models, enable the realization of the habitus for the exercise of childhood and adolescent citizenship.
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