Technology and education of the individual in the Teaching of Philosophy:

An investigation based on the new High School Curriculum of Pernambuco and in a philosophical perspective of Álvaro Vieira Pinto


  • Lucas Alves Simões



The concept of technology, Álvaro Vieira Pinto, Philosophy teaching, Formation of the individual, New curriculum for high school in Pernambuco


It is a fact that we live in times of unrestricted technological advances, and human beings are increasingly looking for easier, faster, and more efficient solutions to their everyday problems. One always has in mind the application of what requires the least effort possible. It is based on this reality that the New Pernambuco High School Curriculum treats technology with too much importance, understanding it in its most diverse modalities which permeate the individual's education. Incisively concerned with adapting teaching to the new technologies that determine the relationship between the individual and the world, besides changing practices and social relations, the Pernambuco Curriculum proposes an investigation of this technology both as an object of knowledge and as a reality to be understood. In order to analyze this whole context, we make use of the philosophy of technology thought by the Brazilian philosopher Álvaro Vieira Pinto, who produced, in a certain phase of his writings, the book "The Concept of Technology". In this work, which will serve as a theoretical foundation for the research, the author brings the problem of technology as ideology and this concept will be used to analyze the use of the term technology in the Pernambuco Curriculum. Admitting the "hermeneutic paradigm" and because it is a theoretical research, the bibliographical research is privileged and the main objective is to investigate the conception of technology and the impact of the formation of the individual, regarding the teaching of philosophy, present in the New Curriculum of the High School of Pernambuco based on the work "The Concept of Technology" by Álvaro Vieira Pinto. For this, other bibliographical sources will also be used to deepen the theme, such as other normative documents and other authors who deal with the subject.


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