Entre a sacralidade da carne e as heresias da palavra: o tupor de Eros na constística clariceana


  • Guilherme Ewerton Alves de Assis




Women's literature, Eroticism, Psychoanalysis, Religion


In the calendas of Greek mythology, Eros falls in love with the mortal Psyche, and both begin to have voluptuous nights, intertwined by sacred eroticism, linked by the fine line of the mortal-immortal. By this bias, the literary universe sails through the unenviable seas of society, the waters of the sacred and the profane, thus unforging pressing longings in the human unconscious, yet buried in psychic archaea. Far from the mythological preamble, it is feasible that, in lispectoian writings, the brittle envelope that surrounds certain characters, coating them on purity and ingenuity, is shaded by visceral fantasies, which narrow the signs and, consequently, strangle the innocuous attempt of beatice. In this corollary, we will parade through the dichotomous grooves that erupt in claricean diegese, especially in the contistic compile A via crucis of the body (1974), fixating on the (im)compatibility between the moralistic cloister and the power of desire. In The Transcendental intercourse of Miss Algrave, we attempt to understand the subjective dialectic between Eros' atrocious desire and the turbulent harmony of Artemis – sometimes veiled or erupting – rivals of the dogmatizing (i)morality that coats, irroga and represses the drive. For this, we will resort to psychoanalytic writings about eroticism, virginity, desire and, finally, religion.


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