A study on sexuality in Foucault based on the 1976 work: ‘The Will to Knowledge’

‘A Vontade de saber’


  • Eunice de Sousa Silva




Biopolitics, incitement to discourse, power-to-know


This textual production aims to clarify the theme of sexuality from the contributions of Michel Foucault (1926-1984). It refers to a research where sexuality is taken as a scientific discourse, that is, what is intended to be addressed is what is historically enunciated about human sexuality, thus making it a power. The purpose is to analyze the history of discourses about sex from power relations, we will be based on the thought of Michel Foucault taking it as the main for investigation on the subject of sexuality, in the midst of discursive construction. And to conduct such a debate, the reflections will be from the first volume of the work History of sexuality; the will to know (1976). It is with this work that Foucault begins his first writings on the concept of sexuality in the West, investigating the nineteenth century as the time marked by the phenomenon of intense production of theories about sexuality, putting in counterpoint the repressive hypothesis.


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Artigos Transdisciplinares (Fluxo Contínuo)