Usos feiticeiros da maquinaria social:

A redoma de vidro sob uma ótica esquizoanalítica


  • Isabella Giordano Bezerra



The Glass Dome, schizoanalysis, gender, machines, subjectivation


In this essay we analyze Sylvia Plath's novel The Glass Dome, from a schizoanalytic perspective. In what follows, we describe the journey of the protagonist, Esther Greenwood, in her initiation into adulthood. We use a set of concepts proposed by Deleuze and Guattari to understand how Esther faces the demands made by gender roles. These two theorists, who constitute our main theoretical framework, claim that in the current political-economic context, the schizo mode of functioning would be more powerful than that of the neurotic built up by psychoanalysis and, based on that, they propose schizoanalysis as a practice of ethical subjectivation -aesthetics. Within this theoretical arsenal, we highlight the idea of ??social machines as the mechanisms of oppression that produce standardized subjects. Machines here appear as the means of producing stocks. We understand that Esther outlines some self-definition strategies as resistance to oppression directed at women, but that these end up leading to madness. We conclude with the notion that the resolution of this journey is only possible based on the constitution of new types of relationships between women, which is achieved through a consistency plan that gives way to tender affections.


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Artigos Transdisciplinares (Fluxo Contínuo)