Communication between listeners and deaf people the Libras in public spaces
Libras, Communicational accessibility, LearningAbstract
This article presents results of the intervention research: A communication between listeners and people about the borders of public spaces, databases and servers of the Federal Institute of Sertão Pernambucano - Campus
Salgueiro. This often happens with the help of the interpreters, becoming more complex in the family environment. As enrollments for the course were made by notices published on the institution's website, using as selection criterion or order number of the enrollee. This course was held in this Campus, from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, weekly, two meetings of two hours / classes. For that, a questionnaire and a handout were prepared. Data show that 50% of the servers are in contact with others and another 50% at times. It is concluded that 100% of them have or have contact with the deaf, although they do not know how to effectively communicate in Pounds. It ratifies, then, a necessity of communication with deaf people. The assistance of the interpreters remains relevant, but in his absence, communication is effective even if it is an elementary form.
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