The Role of Happiness in Augustine's Thought


  • Lorrany Pereira de Sousa



Concept, Happiness, Rationality


This work brings us reflections through the thinking of the philosopher Agostinho (354 - 430) about real happiness and a search for a new meaning that moves the human being It is understood that to seek happiness is not to propose a path of illnesses, but to travel a trail with meanings that lead people to discover themselves better and that around them offers means by which they can achieve a happy life. Therefore, the following question is necessary: What is the importance of knowing the concept of happiness from the perspective of Augustine? Thus, the objective was to identify and recognize true happiness and its restlessness of the soul. In the sequence we present the specific objectives: Understand why Augustine's philosophy is essentially a fusion of Christian conceptions with thought subordinating reason and faith; Understand why Augustine of Hippo affirms that there are superior and inferior truths, the first being understood from the action of God; Identify which Augustinian theory claims to be the action of God that leads man to attain higher truths; Identify some reasons that Augustine affirms that the human mind is changeable and fallible, and, how to reach, from it, the eternal truth.


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