
  • Landsthayner do Nascimento Marçal de Oliveira



Socialism, Capitalism, Ideologies


The present work aims at an analysis of socialism from the work The German Ideology, by K. Marx and F. Engels and the contemporary developments of a Marxist defense by Slavoj Žižek. It seeks to demonstrate how, from the refutation of the foundations of German idealism, to the laying of the foundations of an original materialist and dialectical conception of human history, there is an update of important socialism to oppose capitalism. Thus, Žižek's interpretation seems to have a good theoretical framework for interpreting such a reflection, even though his thought is characteristically dispersed, there is a legitimacy of his political positioning that recently had the scope of the so-called “debate of the century” with Jordan Peterson, an intellectual also recognized in psychoanalysis. In such a debate that discusses the viability of socialism and capitalism, the two sides, negative and positive of both, also unfold, which is an interesting result for the positioning of a reader on this issue.


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