Virtual gymkhana as a gamified strategy for scientific dissemination and active learning in times of pandemic.


  • José Arnaldo Lopes Bastos
  • Gigliane Joice Santos da Silva Santos
  • Marcos Claudino Batista dos Santos Filho
  • Marfran Claudino Domingo dos Santos IFSertãoPE



This study aims to investigate the application of gamification in science education through a virtual scavenger hunt as a strategy for scientific dissemination and active learning. The methodology adopted involved a literature review on active methodologies, gamification, and previously conducted virtual scavenger hunt projects. Subsequently, the scavenger hunt regulations were developed through meetings with project participants, and a website was created to host the scavenger hunt activities. The main results revealed a significant increase in student engagement. Additionally, the materials submitted by the teams demonstrated a good level of understanding of the scientific concepts addressed, indicating the effectiveness of the gamified approach in the learning process. Participants' perception of the virtual scavenger hunt was positive, highlighting the organization, clarity of the regulations, and diversity of proposed challenges. These results suggest that the virtual scavenger hunt, as a gamified strategy in science education, can be an effective approach to promote student engagement and meaningful learning. This methodology offers a viable and engaging alternative, especially in times of pandemic, allowing for the continuation of interactive and motivating science education.


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How to Cite

BASTOS, J. A. L.; SANTOS, G. J. S. da S.; FILHO, M. C. B. dos S.; SANTOS, M. C. D. dos. Virtual gymkhana as a gamified strategy for scientific dissemination and active learning in times of pandemic. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 303–312, 2024. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v12i1.652. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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