Development of free and open-source software by online communities: the case


  • Felipe Omena marques alves IF Sertão-PE
  • Márcia Cristina de Aquino Passos UFPE
  • Juliano César Teles Vaz UFPE
  • Danilo Monteiro UFPE
  • Heitor Sammuel Souza UFPE
  • Raphael Augusto de Sousa Dourado UFPE
  • Alex Sandro Gomes UFPE



development, free and open-source software, educational social network,


The development of free and open-source software is seen by many experts and international bodies as strategic for advancing open education policies and social emancipation. The production of this type of software by communities that organize themselves over the Internet generates a public environment for the generation and sharing of technological knowledge through source code. This article presents the main considerations of the free software community, which maintains a social network designed for educational purposes. The community structure and some of its main applications are presented. As a research method, a case study was used, initially carried out through a documental analysis of the items produced and, later, through the collection of testimonies in unstructured interviews. Finally, forum contribution information, code and installation information in the development, approval and production environments are presented.


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How to Cite

ALVES, F. O. marques .; PASSOS, M. C. de A.; VAZ, J. C. T.; MONTEIRO, D.; SOUZA, H. S.; DOURADO, R. A. de S.; GOMES, A. S. Development of free and open-source software by online communities: the case. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v10i2.367. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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