Using the PC game "Age of Empires" as a teaching tool for classes Ancient History
Education, New Technologies, Games, Teaching and learningAbstract
This article was scope perform an action research with the implementation of the PC game "Age of
Empires" as a teaching tool in classes Ancient History. Age of Empires is a strategy game in real time, set in the backdrop of Ancient History and released for PC in 1997, it allows the gamer to control a particular civilization and go with it available through the Ages of Ancient History, with goal of conquering other civilizations or simply evolve their civilization to the most advanced level of Era Ancient. Thus this paper aims to demonstrate the result of research
conducted with the deployment of this game made with a group of high school students who studied Ancient History, trying to assess whether the use of this game may or may not contribute to the process of teaching and student learning, over the course studied.
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