Education contextualized in the teaching of mathematics at a school in the Semiarid of Juazeiro-BA (Brazil)


  • Rafael Santana Alves Prefeitura Municipal de Juazeiro-BA
  • Kellison Lima Cavalcante IFSertãoPE



teacher, pedagogical practice, teaching methodology


The context is a recurring issue important today. Thus, this work addresses the Contextualized Education as a facilitator mathematics teaching and learning in relation to teaching practices in accordance with the design of the
teachers of the discipline in a school public school in the city of Juazeiro-BA. Aimed to identify the conceptions of
teachers about the Contextualized Education set up as a facilitator in accordance with what is defined in the new
political-pedagogical proposal of the municipality. Thus, it dealt with an explanatory research and that from lifting
qualitative data, conducting semi-structured interviews with 08 (eight) teachers who agreed to express their opinions and views. Teachers take the contextualization as a teaching methodology, and for them the teaching contextualized agenda on the teacher's action relate the content to be worked with a situation shrouded the everyday reality of educating. It was found that all educators are trying to make use of contextualization as an element able to awaken in the student a greater interest in learning mathematics

Author Biographies

Rafael Santana Alves, Prefeitura Municipal de Juazeiro-BA

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado em Educação, Cultura e Territórios Semiáridos – UNEB/DCH III

Kellison Lima Cavalcante, IFSertãoPE

Mestre em Tecnologia Ambiental – ITEP/OS


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How to Cite

ALVES, R. S. .; CAVALCANTE, K. L. . Education contextualized in the teaching of mathematics at a school in the Semiarid of Juazeiro-BA (Brazil). Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 52–59, 2017. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v5i1.141. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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