Aspects of development of bijupirá Rachycentron canadum in Brazil and in the world


  • Marco Antonio Igarashi



Cobia culture, marine, commercial production


The objective of this review article is to present a synopsis with an overview of the current situation of culture of Cobia, with possible adaptations and innovations that may be useful to the development of cobia commercial culture methodology. The cobia Rachycentron canadum, is a
marine fish widely distributed from the Indo-Pacific waters to the southern Atlantic Ocean with emerging global potential for mariculture, due to its high market value in both domestic and international markets, capacity for natural and induced tank spawning, growth rates in excess of 6 kg/year and highquality fillet. This review article presents an analysis of cobia culture and will provide an overview of production mainly focus on larval rearing, juvenile, grow-out and ongoing research initiatives. More research is needed before commercial-scale culture. The review showed that the cobia juvenile can be held in communal culture systems, adapt well to the artificial
conditions with feeding and growth characteristics that make cobia probably a suitable marine fish for commercial culture in Brazil


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How to Cite

IGARASHI , M. A. . Aspects of development of bijupirá Rachycentron canadum in Brazil and in the world. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 154–169, 2018. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v6i3.109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.