Sócrates Alcibíades no Banquete de Platão:
Paideia e retórica
Plato, Banquet, AlcibiadesAbstract
This article aims at an exegetical-philosophical analysis of Alcibiades' speech, an emblematic character, in one of the richest Platonic dialogues, The Banquet. Among the reasons for a more detailed investigation of this sweeping and dramatic speech by the Platonic Alcibiades is the fact that, although it is a work with anachronistic characteristics where Plato adopts a gradual and anticipatory posture of his thought, analyzes are commonly carried out that do not give due attention to this issue. This lack of attention is due to the centrality given to Socrates' speech, where only this is considered as truly philosophical. Based on this fact, this research makes a detailed investigation of Alcibiades' praise of Socrates from the perspectives of rhetoric and paideia, taking into account the paidetic principles and aspects that the Athenian politician defends in his speech.
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