O Corpo fora da fronteira


  • Francielly Alves Pessoa




Body, Frontier, Culture, Transit, Female character


This article problematizes the relation between body and space/frontier and the way this relation marks the construction of the character Amina, in Amrik (2011), by the Brazilian writer Ana Miranda. Miranda presents us a historical novel, having transit as a central narrative element, promoting a decentering in respect to the traditional voices generally invited to represent themselves, while putting stress in Amina’s female body, crossed by social, cultural and gender new questions after her migration. Having as our theoretical support ideas by AGIER (2015), BUTLER (2001), GROSZ (2000), ALMEIDA (2015) and HALL (2015),  we propose a reading that can collaborate with the debates that comprise the body that crosses borders with regard to relationships marked (also) by gender, resignifying, in traffic, the voice of a female protagonist in motion, in a first-person narrative that has potential for resistance, as we will illustrate in Amrik.


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Artigos Transdisciplinares (Fluxo Contínuo)