Development as a process of seeking well-being (Sen) and happiness (Aristotle)


  • Rosa Alfredo Mechico
  • Antônio Xavier Tomo



Development, Well-Being, Truth, Happiness


The present reflection assaults around two issues, namely, well-being, as restlessness currently clarified by Sen, and happiness as a subject triggered, extensively and rigorously treated, in Greek antiquity by Aristoteles. With regard to well-being, Sen understand it as a consequence of freedom, that is, the absence of obstacles that allow the execution of processes and conditions that lead to development. Ahead, according to the same author, Aristóteles, with regard to happiness, theoretical and practical reason is highlighted. For him, happiness is a supreme good for man. Therefore, every man has the right to seek his happiness. However the happy man is one who fully uses his intellectual faculty.


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