Education for freedom tacked in the sleeves of happiness:
The philosophy of Tobias Barreto and its applicability for the Teaching of Philosophy
Tobias Barreto, Freedom, Happiness, Philosophy teaching, Brazilian PhilosophyAbstract
Can mankind know freedom? If the answer is positive, it is possible to reshape the question and think about whether this achieved freedom can lead us to the path that leads to happiness. From a teaching perspective, it seems almost intuitive to question how such definitions relate to education. And even more, what the sense of freedom as linked to happiness can add to the teaching of philosophy. Taking into account that “freedom” and “happy life” are themes present in the lives of contemporary Brazilian youth, it seems extremely important and philosophical to try to define what they are and how they can be applied in life. Therefore, assuming the hermeneutic paradigm and because it is a theoretical and bibliographical research, this article intends, from a perspective of the teaching of philosophy in Brazil, and more specifically in Pernambuco, to investigate the meaning of freedom and how this meaning, when linked to happiness, it can work as a fuel for students to get in touch with philosophy in the best possible way. For this purpose, we choose here the work Discurso em Mangas de Camisa (1877/1879) by a Brazilian and northeastern author, the philosopher from Sergipe by birth and from Recife by heart, Tobias Barreto (1839-1889).
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