A Arte afro-brasileira além da origem étnica


  • Kellison Lima Cavalcante Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano




Throughout the history of Brazilian society, the contribution of black artists has been neglected, where our artistic heritages have been omitted. Thus, this work aims to carry out a conceptual survey on the presence of the Afro-descendant artist in the history of Brazilian art through a bibliographic research of published materials on the subject. In this sense, Afro-Brazilian art was strengthened and established based on social criticism, as well as the perception of the world and belonging, highlighting the creativity and technique of black people. It is possible to understand Afro-Brazilian art from the point of view of representativeness and expressiveness in a field of social issues, outlined by the specificities of Brazilian culture. The research makes an essential reflection from the importance of Afro-Brazilian art.


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