Da efervescência orgástica ao agrilhoamento de Eros:

as vicissitudes corporais sob a pena lispectoriana


  • Silvio Tony de Oliveira




Literature, Lyspectorian, Pulsation, Body, Sexuality


In the context of 19th century medicine, the concept of the body, intertwined with the perspective of unity constituted from biochemical and anatomical relationships, prevailed on the desk of psychiatrists and other human health professionals. In this scenario, the body assumes the reverberations of anatomical medicine, which, for centuries, teased the body flanks in search of corroborative responses regarding the innumerable sensations experienced by the subjects, especially when referring to the horizons of human sexuality. It is from the theoretical postulates of Sigmund Schlomo Freud (1856-1939) that subjectivity goes beyond the concept of the biological body. The Unconscious and its reverberations in the conduct of social subjects denounce the hidden existence of an Other body taken by the libidinal overflow and its perennial search for satisfaction. In this sense, Freudian psychoanalysis envisions an erogenous body and always in tension with cultural complaints, which, in turn, promulgate the contingency of orgasmic discharges in the name of the consolidation of norms and behaviors idealized within the scope of sexuality. On the other hand, Literature, by means of its specificities, generates personas that mimic human immaterialities. Thus, Lispectoriana writing, in these parameters, presents itself as a fruitful space to forge reflections on the demands of the existence of social beings. Therefore, through the dialogue between Literature and Psychoanalysis, we will develop an analysis of the Claricean tale Noise of Steps, present in the work Via Crusis do Corpo (1974). This text highlights the vicissitudes of the character Cândida Raposo and her circumscribed conflicts between pleasure / displeasure; satisfaction / anguish in the face of cultural interdictions and the experienced libidinal overflow. For that, we resort to Freudian postulates about the psychoanalytic concept of body and drive.


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