Subjetividade da imagem:
um ato narcísico como (re)afirmação substancial da existência em “A surpresa”, de Clarice Lispector
Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Literature, Narcissism, Clarice LispectorAbstract
Clarice, in the chronicles, as well as in other texts, goes beyond the language that permeates its own meaning. Therefore, this article seeks to unveil, through subjectivity, how the image of the protagonist reflected in the mirror, in the chronicle "The surprise", can be understood as a means of (re)cognition of the body and, in turn, (re)affirmation of female existence, since we assume that “The image is the domain of appearance”, Sartre (2017, p.19). It is with imagery as a starting point that the reader is faced with the protagonist of the text, who, upon seeing herself reflected in the mirror, surprises herself. That is, she releases the image of sensations from her unconscious (NASIO, 2009) since, from that point on, the protagonist starts to recognize her own body and posits herself as existing in the world. For this, we anchor our analysis in the texts of Freud (2010), Sartre (2017) Byung-Chul Han (2017) and Nasio (2009).
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